Any company's ability to remain profitable and in business is directly proportional to the calibre of its workforce as well as the degree to which those workers are able to conform their behaviours and values to those of the corporation (Anazodo, Okoye, & Chukwemeka, 2022). One of the most significant challenges that the Nigerian public service must confront is figuring out how to successfully manage the country's workforce (Ayodele, 2021). This is particularly noteworthy since the degree of indiscipline in the Nigerian public service has been proven to be responsible for low productivity in the Nigerian government's efforts to raise the quality of living for the country's population (Adebayo, 2001). Batty (1974) argued that effective management of organisational workforce is possible only if manager adopts the correct approach to motivation, the giving of instructions, and where necessary, discipline, and this requires a high level of cooperation from the workforce. Batty's argument was that effective management of organisational workforce is possible only if manager adopts the correct approach to motivation, the giving of instructions, and where Not only does effective discipline rely on great leadership and a good personnel policy, but it also relies on the complete collaboration of employees to such policies of the business. Effective discipline depends on the entire participation of employees (Bhagwan, & Bhushan, 2022). It is inevitable that there will be poor performance and a low level of productivity if workers do not adhere to the rules and regulations of the business as well as the standard that has been established (Anazodo, Okoye, & Chukwemeka, 2022). When Arowolo (2010) notes that the absence of absolute regard for ethical standard and rule and regulations throughout the agencies of government and public service in Nigeria is a severe negative, this opinion is consistent with what he is saying because it is in line with what is being said here. This is due to the fact that the civil service is a component of the government apparatus that is charged with the duty of putting the will of the state into effect (Ayodele, 2021). There is no question that regardless of whether the nation is ruled by the military or civilians, the Nigerian civil service is expected to carry out a number of essential duties in order to ensure the efficient operation of the government of the country. It is crucial to note that the executive branch of the government, which is in charge of carrying out all of the government's plans, relies largely on the civil service to carry out this vital role. This is something that should not be overlooked (Bhagwan, & Bhushan, 2022). However, famous administrators, bureaucrats, and intellectuals have launched attacks against the civil service as a result of its dismal performance and pervasive lack of discipline. This is the primary reason for these attacks (Anazodo, Okoye, & Chukwemeka, 2022). Unfortunately, despite the fact that a great deal is expected from this organ of government, the slack attitude with which the civil service conducts its tasks has produced a great deal of heat for both the previous administration in Nigeria and the government that has succeeded it (Ayodele, 2021).
The genesis, organisation, and performance of the modern public service in Nigeria may be traced back in large part to the administrative formation that occurred during colonial times. The institutions that would eventually become Nigeria's civil service were founded by the British during the country's colonial era. The Nigerian Civil Service is an organisation of government personnel tasked with the management of the nation and charged with putting into action the directives issued by the current administration (Anazodo, Okoye, & Chukwemeka, 2022). In other words, it refers to the group of civilian workers who are employed by any level of government but are not susceptible to political appointment or removal. These workers are often hired and promoted based mostly on the results of competitive examinations. Bade (2009). Mismanagement of conflicts, a lack of better understanding of conflicts, their root causes, early signs or indicators, dynamics, and the manner in which they can be prevented, brought under control, and eventually resolved by the organisation are major contributors to staff insubordination in the public sector. [Causes of staff insubordination in the public sector include] [Causes of staff insubordination in the public sector include] [Causes (Kankwenda, 2002). Yahcioglu (1996) offers the opinion that "people get involved in acts of indiscipline because their interests and values are questioned or because their needs are not addressed."
Ani (1991) makes the observation that a sizeable proportion of our public officials hold the view that the public service is the property of our former colonial master, and as a result, they disregard any efforts to maintain control and discipline within the service. Management experts and academics have discovered that certain organisational factors, such as control and discipline, are veritable instruments for addressing the issue of ineffective performance in public bureaucracies. These veritable instruments include certain organisational factors such as control and discipline (Ayodele, 2021). The Nigerian civil service is one of the institutions that has seen personnel of the various civil service divisions display a wide range of behaviours during the course of its existence. In the public sector, misconduct frequently takes the form of offences such as unexcused absence, leaving without permission, dishonesty, deceit or fraud, wilful damage to equipment or materials, fighting, insubordination, fabricating documents, and a great number of others (Ayodele, 2021).
According to Johnson (1996:324), "any employer must have tools to eliminate people who do not contribute to its objective." [Citation needed] If this is the case, the researcher is of the opinion that the civil service at the present time is dealing with horrible misconduct on the part of its personnel, to the point where the disciplinary techniques or procedures seem to have no impact on them at all (Bhagwan, & Bhushan, 2022). If this is the case, then why does the public sector experience instances of fraud, truancy, absenteeism, tardiness, and other types of general misconduct? Does this imply that control and discipline are no longer important to the efficient running of the many aspects of the public sector? If it has, what impact do such consequences have on the political structure of the modern society in Nigeria?